A Walk To The Spring……Hike

Picnic packed….check;  sun shining……check; seven bodies in two cars…..check.   Hike, here we come.

Pat M and Joan opted to stay home and challenge each other to a crib game (or two), but the rest of us headed off to Mesquita to enjoy the 9 km hike that Marc, Pat, Gary, and myself have done in other years.  It was a perfect day for it.

The trail, which today was well marked, took us through a couple of tiny hamlets, active farmland, abandoned farmland, cork forest, along old dirt roads and a section of asphalt road.  Very varied, which made for great photo opportunities and kept us interested and engaged throughout.

Many beautiful flowers on the walk today.  At a couple of places we stumbled on wild peonies, some open, many about to pop.  Also orchids…….I am saddened that my camera is not functioning properly and consequently most of my close-up photos were trashed today.  I did, however, get a few beauties.

We did see another couple of folks enjoying the hike but for the most part, we were alone on the trail.  Probably a good thing with all the giggling, chatting and laughing we were enjoying!

By this point in the hike we were starting to get a bit hungry.  The plan was to find a lovely old field, sit back in the shade and relax for a bit.  As it turned out, we found the ideal spot and our chicken sandwiches (I roasted two chicken last night and Marc made us all sandwiches this morning) were delicious.  We had carrot sticks, radishes, turnip sticks, olives, figs, almonds, walnuts and I think an orange or two may have been devoured.

There was so much to see and enjoy on this particular hike.  Every turn in the path and every backward glance provided new optics.

And all good things must come to an end.  By the time we finished our walking and sidebar wanderings, we had accomplished 10,5 km.  Not bad at all especially given not everybody is an avid walker/hiker like me.  I think it was a wonderful hike for one and all and in all our estimations, deserved a reward.  Photo taken by Marc.


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10 thoughts on “A Walk To The Spring……Hike

  1. I loved today!!! Mentally, I was on that hike with you all. I’m here giggling outlaid at the comments about Patricia and the Cork Tree book as it does sound like a great children’s book lol and the hobbit comment. The flowers and the views are glorious!! I’m jealous. I just got in from a 2 hour power walk with my fur babies.


    1. Yes, you would have been in your element on this particular hike. Such a variety of sights and landscape. I think I’ve done this trail every year I’ve been here, and sometimes twice, since the very beginning.


  2. Out loud. not outlaid lol

    Liked by 1 person

  3. There’s so much in this hike…only missing the ocean. As always a wonderful hike!!!


    1. Twas a marvelous hike mon amie……..and the company made it even better!!!!


  4. Randy, you captured a most beautiful day with your lovely photos and you also captured a very special camaraderie between friends with common bonds…love of the outdoors, nature, hiking and exploring! And rewarding oneself after such an accomplishment! Great job!
    Thank you for the photo of the poppies…gorgeous! Added to my collection….hoping to spy some myself very soon! xoxo


    1. I am certain you’re going to be rolling in poppies soon!


  5. Ohhhh, stunning header picture!! Just beautiful.

    What a beautiful starting place for your hike. It looks like a wonderful place to start exploring.

    LOL, It looks like that cork tree might be holding Pat up.

    Oh no! You guys should have rescued that turtle and frog!!! They will die down there. 😦

    The wisteria growing on that building is gorgeous.

    Oh man, how I wish I could be there smelling the freesia like Pat is!! Lord have Mercy.

    The Portuguese squill is so lovely. So many little details to each flower.

    More Freesia…. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…. and wow at those deep orange flowers!

    I could live in that beautiful yellow house too. Very sweet.

    What a lovely day for you all. So many beautiful views to see and a huge variety of flowers. A wonderful lunch with friends, who could ask for more.

    Love to you all.


    1. We couldn’t have gotten down into the reservoir even if we had wanted to rescue them. It was inside a very high spiked locked gate and fence the about six feet deep. You could have slept in a bed of freesia!


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