Soothing Sleepy Sunday

Sunday is “family day” here in the Algarve and over the years we have learned not to try and be overly spontaneous as it frequently leads to disappointment. It requires a little planning and good timing, especially related to finding a restaurant. That said, we opted instead for a short drive to Fuzeta, about 13 km away, a lovely stroll on the beach, a leisurely tea/coffee on the patio at the beach (where we sat and soaked up sun, people watched and gabbed for about an hour), a quick stop at a grocery on the route to Estoi, then lunch on the terrace beside the pool at home.

I kept trying to convince him go “move closer”, “move closer”…..I think he knew what I was up to!!
The Fuzeta beach was virtually empty. At the far end is the beach café , the patio was fairly empty which allowed us to find a lovely spot directly in the sun and isolated.
I love the sound this makes as it zips along the water. This fellow was quite good in controlling the sail and didn’t once lose his balance.
The harbour is tranquil and full on Sunday, the fishermen at rest. It’s always a pleasure to see the colourful boats bobbing up and down as if they are chomping at the bit to get back to work!

We strolled along the harbour and into the town just to see if a couple of our favourite restaurants are still in operation…..they are…..and we found a new one that looks as if it has potential. All of them have lovely outside terraces that are open year round. We both commented on how both Fuzeta (and Moncarapacho that we passed through) were even more empty and quiet than they usually have been previous Sundays.

This is a fisherman’s “hut” and I loved how they had “prettied it up”.

I had mentioned to Marc that we needed to keep an eye out for poinsettia trees as they are in full bloom at this time. As we rounded a turn in the road, there it was in all it’s splendor. Puts our little indoor potted poinsettias to shame!

The temperature hit 18 here today which provided a lovely opportunity for us to prepare a picnic lunch and sit out beside our pool. We reminisced of previous times where we sat out here with various friends and enjoyed countless laughs, conversations, and relaxing times. For the record, we raised our glasses to your saĂşde, you’ll know who you are.

Right now the wonderful smell of dinner is wafting across the room, our constant music entertains us, and life, as we know it, is sublimely grand.

até a próxima vez

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17 thoughts on “Soothing Sleepy Sunday

  1. Are those solar panels behind you on your patio?


  2. You meanie!! Lol lol you were hoping poor Marc was going to fall into those cactus.
    The beach looks deserted but tranquil and those poinsettia trees are glorious.
    I love watching the wind surfers too. I’ve tried it a few times but spent most of my time in the water.
    Looks like it was a lovely quiet Sunday. You both look happy.


    1. I wouldn’t have really let him fall into the cactus….and yes, lovely Sunday.


  3. Ola MBB’s, so good so see you making the most of our sunny days. Love the pics. Susie Q. X.


    1. Thanks Susie Q. Twas a lovely day. Hopefully we see you again soon.


  4. Quiet here as well! Busy puttering although we did get a walk in. Lovely cool breeze and occasional sun. But no balmy 18; more like 4. Case out all those new restaurants and keep living the dream.


    1. Don’t worry, we’re keeping tabs. One thing we have noted is the change in speed limit on various roads. Much slower than previously and a bit deceptive as we’ve driven the roads so often we don’t necessarily notice the signs. Our GPS has a flashing indicator if we exceed speed by 5 km….thank goodness otherwise we’d end up with speeding tickets!


  5. Thanks Susie Q. Twas lovely indeed. Hopefully we see you again soon.


  6. your pictures and writeup’s are worth the time I love reading and looking at all the beautiful scenery.


    1. Glad you like them Mom, that’s why I keep doing them plus they become a diary for us. Love and Hugs


  7. Those poinsetta’s….so glad you sent the photo…they were not in bloom when I was there….have a great week…missing you both…


    1. We miss you too. Wish you were here to go on a hike with me


  8. So glad you are safely and happily situated in your lovely home in the sun. Xoxo



    1. Thanks Bridget. It certainly feels wonderful to be here and wallow in this sunshine. Stay well


  9. Love it. I could smell the sea air when your described Fuseta. Loved the poinsettia pics. Keep Marc away from the cacti!!


    1. LOL. I wouldn’t have really allowed him to get pricked, it was all in fun and he knew it. You on the other hand……now that’s a different story!


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