Pechão Part II

You might recall that a couple of weeks ago Joanne and I wandered a lovely unknown trail near the village of Pechão. Because we had a “date” for lunch, we had to cut the walk short just at the point where we spotted a sign that indicated we should “turn right and continue for 4.6 km”. We determined that we would return at some point, pick up the trail from this junction and see where it would take us. Today was that day!

This beautiful house was one of the first things we encountered on this very old twisted farm road. Definitely not a “fixer upper” .

The road(s) were rough gravel, which at times is a challenge to walk on as the rocks quickly roll from under your feet and loosing balance is a genuine possibility. We always use a walking stick to help with balance as well as to use in the event we encounter feral dogs……so far this year I have had to wield it only once!

We passed acres of orange groves, fruit laden trees bending and the ground around the trees peppered with mounds of decaying oranges. Such a waste. We also skirted a lengthy fenced avocado farm, you’d swear it was Fort Knox with the security and barded wired fence. The locals are not a all happy with the presence, and growth, of these enterprises as they require much water, which at times of the year is a challenge here.

Marc had asked me to take a close-up of a Bermuda Buttercup………as the fields around us were full of them it seems appropriate that I include one in todays blog.

It was a bit of a challenge to get a hold on where this particular path was actually leading us and we both agreed that the signage was not necessarily accurate. One moment we were heading directly south towards the sea, which we could see in the distance, then suddenly a sharp left up through what looked like a private field. We came on two elderly women hoeing a large field of kale…….friendly waves and the ever constant call of Bom Dia . They were chatting and laughing despite the obvious back breaking work.

Off in the distance, for quite some time, we could see an old house, reminiscent of another old house we have admired for years in Olhão. I initially thought (hoped) that that would be our final destination as I wanted to see it up close but sadly, it was privado and there was a large dog making it clear that I was not welcomed to explore!

This one sole little beauty popped out at me today. I was about four inches from the ground and about the size of an apricot. I loved all the detail and the colour.

At one point the path abruptly ended and we found ourselves on the highway, a minor highway that we use frequently, where we had to walk for the last 500 meters. Thankfully by now it was after 12h30 and because of the lunch time, the traffic was minimal. We did pass this place that is obviously “for sale”. Go ahead and try to count the number of different styles of tile they have used. I love it!!

All in all, an enjoyable and energetic 10,2 km, nothing to sneeze about!!! I’m not certain it’s one I’ll do again but I’ve learned to never say never.

We had made a date to meet Marc for lunch in the square at 13h00 and on arriving we found that the prato do dia was “finished” for the day. Elsa, our favourite waitress, gave us a wink and a nod, told us to “hold on” then went to speak with Amilcar, the owner/cook. Turns out he was making Bacalhau à Brás for the staff lunch and she managed to finagle three portions for us! YUM YUM

Bacalhau à Brás is a Portuguese dish made from shreds of salted cod, onions and thinly chopped fried potatoes, all bound with scrambled eggs. It is usually garnished with black olives and sprinkled with fresh parsley.

A feast at any time but today especially so after our lengthy walk. Life as we know it continues to be exceptional grand.


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7 thoughts on “Pechão Part II

  1. Lunch looks so yummy, except the olives. Not a fan. And your pics are wonderful. Would love to be able to join you on one of your walks – but would have to be much shorter. 😊


    1. I’d whip you into shape….one hike at a time!!! Actually, many of them are not at all challenging and of course they can be as long as you want them to be. You’d love it here.


      1. I know I would. Bucket List.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I wonder why these abandoned houses are left to go to ruin instead of being sold???


    1. The laws here around property inheritance and wills is quite complicated. Many places are tied up for years in that process.


  3. Great photos. Love the tiled house, I could live there quite happily for six months of the year if allowed. I had Bacalhau a Bras for the first time in Tavira at our lunch with you and Marc, a favourite. The hiking poles will also save your knees btw. Great post!


    1. We remember that lunch and our visit quite fondly. Yes, I’m happy I brought my poles this time, they do make a difference. Stay warm.


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