Rain Rain is Gone Away…..at least for today.

Green is the colour of the world for us right now as the recent rains have brought out lushness all around. In some ways it’s been marvelous having a few “imposed” down days. Caught up on reading, finishing a jigsaw puzzle, a visit to a shopping centre, a side bar trip to Portimão to collect Marc’s art, visits/dinner with Pat, Gary, James, and Sandy and a couple of killer games of Dixit….both won by Gary!! Marc has been working fastidiously on the upcoming exhibition, I’m not even certain he knows it’s rained!

Today I managed to get in not one but two marvelous walks. James and I hit the mountain this morning then after lunch I had another opportunity to meet up with Pat and Gary and explore several of the marvelous farm roads near them. My body is complaining from the glut of activity but at the same time my joints are thanking me for the stretching and movement. It truly felt wonderful following a few sedentary days…. at least sedentary by my standards!

A praying stork????

We stopped for lunch in a small traditional restaurant not far from the tourist area in Portimão. It turned out to be a bit of a disappointment for us but our standards are set pretty high here as it’s rare to have an unpleasant meal or restaurant experience. We certainly enjoyed the time sitting together while enjoying the sunshine and conversation.

The mountain hike this morning was a bit of a challenge as we hadn’t been walking much lately and the first section was pretty well upwards. Good for the old ticker not to mention these middle aged butts! Colour was in abundance thanks to the rains.

There is no shortage of winding old farm roads and paths to explore all throughout the Algarve. It’s rare to see a privado sign, but if we do we respect it. The way we approach them is to turn left and right at random knowing that we are headed towards the sea or the mountains and that from experience, all of these roads connect in some fashion and in any case, there is always something wonderful around each bend. We’re never lost.

And this one is for you Joanne……get your cheque book out, I found the perfect fixer upper for you. A lovely quiet street and on both sides houses with yapping dogs…..just what you wanted right?

And that’s how things have been unfolding for us this past few days. We have a few excursions planned over the next few days, weather dependent but so far, looking good. Life, as we know it, is “simply marvelous dahling”. Hopefully you can say the same thing back to me.

Grandes abraços de Portugal.

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12 thoughts on “Rain Rain is Gone Away…..at least for today.

  1. Oh…I take it the orchid didn’t prove worthy….lovely yellow one too. Funny how we get so antsy for a walk after just a day of rain.


  2. Beautiful pictures! The buildings from the first lot were gorgeous!! The colours along with the beautiful doors and trim detail….I love it. That soft green on the one was a favourite.
    The roads/pathways looked a little mucky, I’m glad no one took a spill.
    You buggers, you should have let James have the purse!! 😉 hehehee


    1. Yes, the mint green was my favourite also. James has enough purses!


  3. Beautiful photos. How lucky you are to have all those paths to explore. Life as we know it is very hot and dusty here in the desert – I’m sooo envious!


    1. Your recent photos were amazing. I’d love to experience a desert hike. Isn’t it wonderful that we love to walk and explore? Travel safely.


  4. Beautiful country, all the beautiful flowers,tree’s and evan all the bright colored buildings just awesome.


    1. Yes, the colours here are quite lovely for sure, especially the never ending parade of wild flowers. I love them.


  5. Really great blog today…I love the colour of the homes and businesses but the creative architecture of prominent additions to something potentially uninteresting makes such a difference; and of course, the tiles are always amazing in my mind! Your country walks are so calming and wonderful! Thanks!


    1. Colour seems to be the word of the day here, both in the buildings and certainly in the wonderful world Mother Nature creates for us. I’m continually in awe!!


  6. An other fixer upper for me! With dogs… Merci beaucoup! Is there a big big fence?


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